Acrylic on Panel | 12" x 12"
Unframed: $449 Framed: $569
Nothing gets past him.
An adept hunter lying in wait.
An invisible predator.
A ghost moving through the shadows of dusk and dawn.
Mystery defined.
Soul Searching
Acrylic on Panel | 12" x 12"
Unframed: $449 | Framed: $569
With eyes as big as the moon, the Great Horned Owl sees into your soul, unmasking the hidden and bringing forth wisdom. He guides you to new heights on silent wings.
Everyone in the neighborhood knew my house when I was a kid. My Dad’s giant HAM radio tower couldn’t be missed. At Christmas, it was the house with the tower topped by a Great Horned Owl. I’m not positive what attracted him there at winter only, but we used to say it was the Christmas lights. You could see them reflected in his eyes. He’d take flight and swoop low following our street, his wingspan seemingly spanning the width of the road. Completely silent in flight. I can’t think of a Great Horned Owl without this scene coming to mind.
Available through Dutch Art Gallery
The Watcher
Acrylic on Panel | 12" x 12"
Unframed: $449| Framed: $585
A survivor, coyote is always watching. Loved and hated by man, he must be clever to find ways to survive in his changing world. Curiosity leads to opportunity. Opportunities he cannot afford to lose. Coyote is more though. He still finds joy in the face of adversity, dancing and singing in the moonlight.
If I have an animal totem, it’s the coyote; encountering them at sporadic points in my life leaving me in awe. As a child, we traveled from Texas to California with a travel trailer one summer stopping at roadside attractions along the way. I remember being at the edge of the wild desert and feeling eyes on me. I turned to see a coyote. We stood facing each other. I did not feel threatened. I was mesmerized. I turned back around to show my Dad, but the coyote had vanished leaving a vivid impression. As a teenager, I was driving home late at night and spied a coyote following the railroad tracks in the the middle of suburbia. With no one around, I stopped the car. He also stopped and once again we were face-to-face, studying one another, until he slowly turned to continue down the lonely tracks finally fading from view. My awe was tinged with sadness thinking about his displacement from ancestral ranges. There were additional solitary sightings. Me and him where I saw his swiftness, strength and sleek beauty. I had a coyote take up residence under our home one winter. I will forever see the coyote as a survivor. In a way, that is also how I see myself.
Available through Dutch Art Gallery
Swift Hunter
Acrylic on Panel | 12" x 12"
Unframed: $449| Framed: $585
Fast feet to capture the swiftest lizard or snake prey. A harsh life in a severe environment, he makes a home and thrives in the adversity. Body well adapted for this life, the fearless roadrunner hunts even the venomous rattlesnake. Running tirelessly, but hiding his path from those who would hunt him. X-shaped tracks do not reveal direction.
While working on this piece, I had a pair of roadrunners visit. My husband spotted them running on the railing of the back deck, then on the deck itself. Being very poor fliers, they were trying to find a way onto the roof which is about two and a half stories from the back of the house. We were laughing watching their antics. One jumped onto a small table and peered in the window before jumping to a deck umbrella and finally to the roof. I hope they are nesting nearby.
Available through Dutch Art Gallery
Apollo Avengers
Acrylic on Panel | 12” x 16”
Unframed: $865| Framed: $1,005
I give you the much maligned, but still rather majestic (to me anyway), black vulture. Every winter a large group of vultures congregates near my home. I often see them peering over the edge of the roof curiously watching me or sunning themselves with wings fully spread. Years of observing them has taught me this vulture is intelligent, curious and often comical and definitely not to be hated or feared.
Available through Dutch Art Gallery
Jack in January Snow
Water-Soluble Oils on Panel | 16.5” x 11”
Unframed: $849| Framed: $939
Nothing can overcome the energy of a jackrabbit. Not even a blanket of snow.
Available through Dutch Art Gallery
Unframed: $200| Framed: $249Once upon a time they were kept by the pharaohs of Egypt. Also depicted in their art, this ancient breed, which lies somewhere between ducks and geese, has a unique beauty that is undeniable. The were imported to England in the 1700s and no one seems to be quite sure how they ended up in the US (most likely imported as ornamental for pond settings) but small pockets of them are living in Texas for sure and right on my lake.
Available through Dutch Art Gallery
Acrylic on Panel | 7” x 5”
Unframed: $200| Framed: $249
If you’ve been to the State Fair of Texas I hope you have attended the bird show at least once over the years. Its primary focus in on predatory birds and their natural behavior. This is the owl that they release from the top of the enormous Ferris Wheel who swoops down over the crowd to the stage. I’ve seen it many times, but it’s always an awesome sight.
Available through Dutch Art Gallery
The King
Acrylic on Panel | 6” x 6”Unframed: $200| Framed: $249Massive spiraling horns on this Aoudad Ram give it an unmistakable majesty. A native of North Africa, they have made themselves quite at home in the West Texas desert. This one, though, is a resident of Fossil Rim Wildlife Park and will greet you, hoping for a snack, as you drive by.
Available through Dutch Art Gallery
Acrylic on Panel | 7” x 5”
Unframed: $200| Framed: $249Elegant in flight…pelicans magically appear at certain times of the year on our lake. No one is sure how, but far away on the coast they know when an algae bloom has occurred and the dying fish are easy pickings. I enjoy their mass visits, though not the reason why.
Available through Dutch Art Gallery
Acrylic on Panel | 12.5” x 7.5”
Unframed: $375| Framed: $439
Taking flight.
Movement overlapping.
Wind in his wings, he can soar or dive.
Strength and beauty are found in his fragile nature.
Available through Artist Directly
Against The Stream
Acrylic on Panel | 10.5” x 7.875”
Unframed: $349| Framed: $429
I like people who think for themselves and don’t just follow the crowd. The painting can viewed as simply being about beautiful fish, but the one that many people might not immediately see the beauty in, is swimming the opposite direction. A little hidden meaning.
Available through Dutch Art Gallery
Acrylic on Panel | 20” x 16”
Unframed: $895| Framed: $1,025
Cats and boxes, you can’t separate the two. Our orange tabby couldn’t keep out of the old root beer bottle crate, so it quickly became a favorite place for napping in the sun. I found the monochromatic nature of the scene too compelling to ignore.
Available through Dutch Art Gallery
Floue en Fleurs
Acrylic on Panel | 7” x 5”
Warm Spring days always find my cats lounging in the garden among the flowers. They are quite used to me stalking them with the camera in order capture scenes for future paintings. The title is in French and was suggested by a good friend. It simply means “Fuzzy in the Flowers.”
Available through Dutch Art Gallery
were my most favorite animal to draw as a child. I remember being in
second grade working on a drawing of one. The teacher came over to me
and started to change the way I drew the paw on my cat. I must have shot
her a really vicious look, since she immediately stopped and
apologized. I was so shy as a child (well still am) that maybe it was
just shock at my reaction to her trying to change my drawing that
surprised her.
This painting is of a cat I adored who would stand up, paws outstretched waiting to be pickup. He'd then wrap his paws around my neck in a big hug. In his younger days he lived on a horse breeding farm and would jump on the backs of the horses when they were saddled for rides as well as ride in a jeep. One of a kind kitty.
Available through Artist Directly
This painting is of a cat I adored who would stand up, paws outstretched waiting to be pickup. He'd then wrap his paws around my neck in a big hug. In his younger days he lived on a horse breeding farm and would jump on the backs of the horses when they were saddled for rides as well as ride in a jeep. One of a kind kitty.
Available through Artist Directly
Nature's Symmetry
-Banded Spinx moth (eumorpha fasciatus)
on Angel Trumpet (Datura wrightii)
Acrylic on Panel | 8” x 8”
Framed: TBA
Currently in traveling show - not yet available for purchase
Beauty Comes in Many Forms
-White-lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata)
on wild Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens)
Acrylic on Panel | 8” x 8”
Framed: TBA
Currently in traveling show - not yet available for purchase