Monday, June 23, 2014

"Storm Rollin' In" Acrylic Painting

This seemed like an appropriate painting to post given yesterday's torrential downpour and flooding in my town of Granbury. 

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"Storm Rollin' In"
Acrylic on Masonite
Location: Your Private Collection Art Gallery

Floater Frame

Your Private Collection Art Gallery
106 N. Houston
on the Granbury Historic Square
Phone: (817) 579-7733

Rain in Texas is a mixed blessing. In this drought with lakes drying up, we need it desperately. But in Spring our downpours may come with hail or tornados. My hometown has been the victim of such a tornado, so a scene like this, when the sky darkens and the clouds roll in, brings a range of emotions for me: awe, apprehension or relief.