Three aspects that Rebecca Zook consciously incorporates into her paintings. As a native Texan, she grew up with an appreciation of the unique beauty that Texas offers. Wandering the trails, playing in the creek near her childhood home and befriending every creature she encountered, Rebecca found a true love in nature. This connection is something that’s remained a part of her throughout her life and this love of the landscape and its inhabitants is expressed through each brushstroke.
“I’m drawn to Texas’ plentiful native grasses in particular. Watching the wind weave patterns through them and the gentle swaying provide me with a much needed calm. I stand among them and am reminded of the ocean. Great waves roll across the fields. Seed heads catch the sun and glow like breaking spray.”
The Texas sky also holds great fascination. She has photographed clouds for close to 12 years, amassing a huge collection of source material with the intent of creating a series of paintings. She finally began that ongoing project in late 2015.
“If you stop and watch the sky for any length of time, you realize how quickly it transforms itself. Clouds spring to life, change shape and dissipate right before your eyes. Sunrises and sunsets are the most dramatic. Almost second by second the colors grow and fade. My paintings capture one brief moment of that perpetually changing beauty.”
“The Natural World” is a body of work that is a true labor of love for the artist. Rebecca hopes you enjoy these paintings and her written thoughts that accompany each piece.
(Photo: Rebecca paints from her home studio in Granbury, Texas. The infamous Grace oversees most projects and occasionally tries her paw at painting as well.
Rebecca works primarily from her own photographs; never leaving the house without a camera. Although she has a professional-level digital Nikon, most of her cloud source material was shot with a small, and rather old, pocket-sized Cannon that has stood the test of time.
Rebecca works primarily from her own photographs; never leaving the house without a camera. Although she has a professional-level digital Nikon, most of her cloud source material was shot with a small, and rather old, pocket-sized Cannon that has stood the test of time.
"I have a camera with me always. You never know when the light is going to be just perfect or when you are going to happen upon a unique scene worthy of painting. Sometimes it's difficult for me to get to my intended destination when driving because I keep seeing "paintings" along the way."
She is represented by "Dutch Art Gallery" in Dallas, Texas and "Your Private Collection Gallery" in Granbury, Texas.
is a true creative; excelling in many forms of expression. She was a
Graphic Designer, Photographer and Copywriter for an ad agency for close
to 20 years. She still freelances this type of work. Her writings have
been published in book form, online blogs and in magazines in subjects
ranging from art-related to living with a rare illness. Rebecca also
continues to build and care for her (mostly) Xeric-themed garden. Her
life is filled with joy from her many dogs, cats and parrots. All
rescues. Sharing her love of animals, nature and much more is her
husband, Ed, whose undying support in all her endeavors is greatly