Sold Work

These paintings have found homes, but Rebecca accepts a few commission each year. If you see something you like, consider having her create a painting just for you.

They are Broken Down by Category.

I painted this from a photo I took of my late husband during a trip to Arizona.
Painting taken without my knowledge or consent.


Late Lunch



Fruit Series/Still Life/Car & Boat/Other:





The zebra holds a special place in my heart. It is the mascot of those with rare illnesses–the medical zebras of the world. I recently illustrated a children's book for the Immune Deficiency Foundation and photographed the zebras at Fossil Rim Wildlife Park in Glen Rose, Texas. This painting was done using some of that source material as reference.




In Artist's Permanent Colletction-Not For Sale

Acrylic on Panel | 6” x 6”
Standing watch over the open prairie, these live oaks have seen much in their lives. The expansive open landscape shrinks around them. They exist in an oasis bordered by pastures, roads and buildings, wondering if they too will fall at the hands of man. But for now, they witness another timeless dawn.

Flicker Flame
Acrylic on Panel | 10” x 8”
The last light of day is magic. As the final rays skimmed the edges of the clouds they came alive. The bright yellow, glowing, twisting upper clouds against the darker backdrop seemed to leap in the same manner as the windblown flames of a bonfire.

Sky Impressions
Acrylic on Panel | 8”x10.5”
The vast range of colors that can be present in the clouds in the moment the sun is setting will never cease to astound me. I wanted a loose, impressionistic feel in this piece and used multiple photos I’ve taken over the years as inspiration.

Acrylic on Masonite - Water is where I find joy and peace. It’s where
my mind can rejuvenate itself. Sun and clouds reflecting and rippling in its mirror-like quality. It’s not just the water itself, but the plants and trees surrounding it. It’s the fish jumping to catch insects. It’s the turtles, frogs, birds and mammals. It’s being surrounded by the natural world. That’s where tranquility lives for me.

Acrylic on Masonite Balanced on the edge, you can see both the darkness and the light. The decisions you make can lead you to safety or lead you to places you cannot see clearly through the dark. Though the light draws you in, the darkness is not always to be feared. Sometimes you have to weather the storm before you can find the light once more.
"Patchwork Sky"
20"x16" - Acrylic on Masonite

As the solid mass of the cloud began to fracture, it reminded me of a weaving or giant quilt blanketing the sky that has begun to unravel, to show its age. I have a quilted blanket that has begun to enter this state; old, tattered, but still loved.

"Prairie Sky Fire"
20"x16" - Acrylic on Masonite

The new day begins with a blazing sky imitating all the color and movement of a prairie fire. It is easily quenched by the cool blue as the sun rises only slightly higher. A brief, shimmering moment given to those awake with the dawn and then quickly withdrawn.
12" x 16" - Acrylic on Masonite

What was it that Dorothy learned...
"If ever go looking for my heart's desire again,
I won't look any further than my own back yard.”
Many artists travel far and wide to find inspiration for their work, but I often find the most compelling scenes are truly in my own back yard, or in this case, an empty lot just up the street.
"Typical Spring Day"
20" x 16" -Acrylic on Masonite

20" x 16" -Acrylic on Masonite
"Cool Desire"
24" x 14" -Acrylic on Masonite
"Vanish Into the Blue"
24" x 14" -Acrylic on Masonite

"Storm Rollin' In"
6"x6" - Acrylic on Masonite

When the sky darkens and clouds roll in, there’s an unmistakable moment before the rain begins that brings your senses alive. The wind strengthens. The temperature drops. You begin to pick up the scent of rain. I love the anticipation present in that moment–a mix of awe and of fear. Certainly, a Texas thunderstorm is not to be taken lightly.

"Twilight on the Road Less Traveled"
23.5" x 17.5"
-Acrylic on Masonite
"Seeking Shelter"
20" x 16" - Water-Soluble Oil on Watercolor Board

I believe this painting has the potential to elicit 
a wide range of emotions. What each viewer 
feels will depend on their personal experiences. 
Maybe some will sense the impending doom 
from the storm and the frantic search for 
safety of the flock. Others may focus on the hope 
and protection the lone tree offers and see by its 
bent nature that it has withstood many a storm. 
Though reshaped by the forces of nature, 
it still stands strong. The tree may appear dead, 
but is merely dormant and this is just one season 
in a long life full of beauty and struggle. The tree, 
like us, can’t control the storms of life, but we, like 
the tree, can choose to weather them with grace, 
beauty and strength while providing love 
and protection to those around us.

"Comanche Grass II"
10.5" x  8"  - Acrylic on Masonite

Dominating the local landscape and privately owned, Comanche Peak in Granbury is only accessible for a few special events. I’ve been fortunate to have been able to attend some over the years. This is one of several paintings I created from photographs I shot on top of the plateau. The native grasses blow in the warm breeze.