Friday, September 23, 2016

EARTH & SKY "Meet the Artist" Reception during Granbury Gallery Night

Texas artist Rebecca Zook's Earth and Sky solo show featuring the clouds and grasses of Texas officially opens Saturday, September 24th during the city of Granary's monthly Last Saturday Gallery Night. The artist will be present to meet and talk with attendees from 5-8pm at the Dora Lee Langdon Center. 

Peace. Beauty. Light.

Three aspects that Texas artist Rebecca Zook consciously incorporates into her acrylic paintings. As a native Texan, she grew up with an appreciation of the unique beauty that Texas offers. Rebecca’s connection with nature is something that’s remained a part of her throughout her life and this love of the landscape is expressed through each brushstroke. 

“I’m drawn to Texas’ plentiful native grasses in particular. Watching the wind weave patterns through them and the gentle swaying provide me with a much needed calm. I stand among them and am reminded of the ocean. Great waves roll across the fields. Seed heads catch the sun and glow like breaking spray.” 

The Texas sky also holds great fascination for Rebecca. She has photographed clouds for close to 10 years, amassing a huge collection of source material with the intent of creating a series of paintings. She finally began that project in late 2015. 

“If you stop and watch the sky for any length of time, you realize how quickly it transforms itself. Clouds spring to life, change shape and dissipate right before your eyes. Sunrises and sunsets are the most dramatic. Almost second by second the colors grow and fade. My paintings capture one brief moment of that perpetually changing beauty.”

“Earth and Sky” is a body of work that is a true labor of love for the artist.  

Rebecca’s acrylic technique often involves many overlapping layers of thin washes of color. She finds this better conducive to capturing the unique qualities of light. She prefers to paint mainly smaller works 18” x 24” and under and primarily uses gessoed masonite boards she prepares herself. You can follow Rebecca on Facebook to view the in progress photos of many of her paintings.

Earth and Sky will run through October 26th.

Earth & Sky solo show:
Dora Lee Langdon Center
308 W Pearl St
Granbury, TX 76048
(817) 279-1164